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spring scenery can’t be shut up
关不住的春光  detail>>
spring scenery
春景  detail>>
shut up
闭嘴,关门,打烊 别说话 封口;密封 关闭, 监禁, 住口, 保藏 关窗户;停止工作;阻塞;监禁;住口 关门;关在里面 关上;不许开口&nb...  detail>>
spring scenery in the mulberry garden
桑园春  detail>>
spring scenery of the south
江南春色  detail>>
put up or shut up
要么行动要么闭嘴  detail>>
get away and shut up
请在外面把门关上  detail>>
rihanna shut up and drive
蕾哈娜闭嘴滚  detail>>
shut up a business
停止营业  detail>>
shut up and dance
跟我起舞吧 与我共舞  detail>>
shut up shop
关店, 歇业  detail>>
shut up; keeping silence
杜口不言  detail>>
to shut her up in a speulchre
将她关进一座坟墓  detail>>
spring up
拔地而起 腾起 跳起来 迅速生长 涌现,发生,(突然)出现 涌现;发生;迅速长出  detail>>
shock absorbing spring can
减震弹簧筒  detail>>
 n.  1.景色,景致,风光,风景。 ★scene 是局部景色。 scenery 是全景。 2.舞台面,scenery(舞台)布景。 3.背景。&n...  detail>>
01-can`t speak up
开不了口  detail>>
bulb can on light up
灯泡不亮  detail>>